
Wai Fong Chan

Diploma in Biblical Studies

All courses are well presented in the level of a layman can understand. 

It is helpful for all believers to know the overall messages of all the Old Testament books. It also helps us to see the Big picture of God’s redemption plan starting from the beginning to future.

I would like to encourage the University Study group in our church to study some of these books. Is there any material that we can purchase from CUGN that we can use in our Bible Study?

When I was doing the Discussion Question assignment for course OT224 – Isaiah, it helped me to reflect once again what is the most important in our life. This is what I wrote: Surrender of our life Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”” What else can be more important than the job that God offers to us? If God clearing unfolds His commission to me, how can I turn it down? After all, this life is given by Him anyway. We are more than happy to be used by Him.

CUGN has a lot of great materials in helping a Christian life to grow. Is there any way that a small group can make use of these materials in their church fellowship?

I understand a lot more about the backgrounds of the New Testament world.

This is a very convenience learning setting especially for full-time working people.

The Bible materials are valuable and I have learned a lot through the courses.