

Belinda Sheely

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

These SoulCare courses have been life-changing for me. I am so thankful to have learned these things. I appreciate Dr. Crabb for his wisdom and most of all I am thankful the Lord has directed the course. Without Him, it would have been just more information lacking the Spirit’s power.


Traci Jernigan

Association of Christian Schools International

I loved the overview of each book as well as the depth of understanding the lessons brought. I loved the “”fun facts”” I was able to gather as well!

I loved the information! I’m not quite done yet (I’ve skipped forward to Revelation to be sure to get it completed before my time expires), but so far I have gotten exactly what I had hoped to get out of this experience. I have become more confident in my biblical knowledge, and become closer in my walk with the Lord!

It is informative, easy to use, and effective. It is also affordable.

You all have done a great job! Thank you for your dedication to furthering the kingdom!


Shannon Probst

Association of Christian Schools International

It was meaningful to me. I chose this course out of personal interest, to better my understanding of suffering and why a loving God could/would allow it. I feel so equipped to help others now! I learned so much and agree with the knowledge I was given.


Patrick Porter

Association of Christian Schools International

I have enjoyed and learned far beyond my hopes and expectations. It has richly improved my understanding of the Bible.

I am completely satisfied with the overall course, its teachings and its presentation. My learning in these matters has grown beyond my expectations allowing me to immediately apply it to my teaching.


Alfred Moore

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The course [SF212] force me to recall events in my past and re-evaluate the cause and effects. It also made me give deep though on how God worked and is still working on me. It exposed areas in my life that need attention. Very good course.


Gwendolyn Bozeman

Association of Christian Schools International

I appreciate that the information I studied and learned will be useful when I am talking with students or unbelieving family members and friends.
I appreciated that I could work at my own pace, and I could work on the course when I had time.

I had a very hectic and busy summer due to starting a new job, and the people at CUGN were willing to give me a 5-day extension to finish the course, and I greatly appreciated the grace they showed me in this situation.


Gayle Mangis

Association of Christian Schools International

Although I had already pulled out my Bible Atlas, lesson 2 [of course OT217] really helped me cement the topography of Palestine into my memory. The concentration on the structure of these three books will help to keep sequence of events fresh in my mind and aid me in locating passages when I need them.


Ann Ruvalcaba

Association of Christian Schools International

It is a convenient and interesting way to get CEUs.


Kathryn Bass

Association of Christian Schools International

A great source of online Bible courses by well known Christian writers with multiple media sources to enhance learning.


Brant Shepherd

Association of Christian Schools International

This course [NT224] did a great job of pulling out the main ideas from 1 and 2 Corinthians, and with dealing with some of the more controversial subjects like head coverings and speaking in tongues through both the commentary that was provided and the lectures. The included devotions did a great job of asking me to go deeper and take the lessons down from being merely theological concepts and see where they affect me. I really enjoyed my time in this course.


Peggy Ridley

Association of Christian Schools International

The ability to work at whatever pace you want whenever you want. My colleagues and I can get the bible CEUs we need to renew ACSI credential during breaks from school.


Michael Fowler

Certificate in Executive Leadership

Good covering of the study with interactive examination of the subject matter that deepen my understanding.


Paul Parker

Certificate in Bible

Personally, I think your programs are well done. I like the commentaries, lessons and think Ray Steadman is great. Keep up the great work.


Christina Shuman

Association of Christian Schools International

CUGN courses offer a variety of classes that meet the needs of Christian school teachers for the classroom and their personal lives.


Cheryl Gassie

Association of Christian Schools International

I enjoy taking these courses very much. I keep all my notes and use them at different times in my high school classroom. It is fascinating to see these books in their own historical background.


Kevin Bakker

Certificate in Bible

Great learning, well structured, low price


Nick Nehring

Association of Christian Schools International

I feel like this course was definitely worthwhile. It has increased my understanding of scripture and made me have greater appreciation for the significance of these book of the Old Testament.


Angel Lopez

NewWay Ministries Tracks

For me this was my first experience in this way of learning. It was very enrichment, and I really start with basic knowledge of avoiding a lot of things and bad “habits” when people come to me. I feel a very deep and close call from God of get prepared as Spiritual Director or Counseling Pastoral. I want to continue to the second module of Soul Care.


Terry Wakefield

Certificate in Bible

Very grateful. The pattern laid out that gets you quickly into the meat of each book of the Bible is great. I really appreciate these courses!


Timothy Owen

Association of Christian Schools International

I like the readings on the course. They were in depth and opened my learning to new things about Revelation that I hadn’t known before. Overall it was a great course!

The classes are affordable and there is a lot of valuable information.


Susan Thomas

NewWay Ministries Tracks

It’s been so helpful to take this course. I’ve used Dr. Crabb’s books as a framework for my life and for caring for the hearts of others for nearly 25 years. This course is putting all the pieces together for me and I’ve seen God do might things in my life and my ministry as a result over the past few months. Thank you so much.


Maryann Coyne

NewWay Ministries Tracks

CUGN was easy to navigate and use. When I had a problem with something your response was very quick. The course I took was excellent.
The content seems to be developed in a Spirit led way. Not only did I receive training in SoulCare but it was transformational personally.

I appreciated Dr. Crabb’s approach to SoulCare. An important key to SoulCare, is for the provider of SoulCare to be aware of the Spirits movement in their own soul and the flesh dynamics that prevent the flow and release of the Spirit. This course deepened my insight into the flesh and spirit dynamics and I will be forever grateful for the transformation I have experienced as a result of taking this course.


Jeffrey German

Certificate in Bible

I enjoyed the course quite a lot: the lectures were interesting, as was the commentary. Yancey’s questions are worth pondering.


Diane Rowden

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I really enjoyed this course and looked forward to each class. I grew in my understanding of God and feel I know him better now, I also grew in my understanding of myself. I am looking forward to the next course.


Philip Ndirmbita

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

I have learned more than I thought the course could cover, I wished this course would be offered by all believers.


Elizabeth Moss

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I can’t express enough the ways in which this course [CC102] has been used by the Lord in my life. I began it with the hopes of helping others in the life of the soul. I think soul thoughts as I interact with others. I think interior far more than exterior thoughts. I was unprepared for the ground breaking work it would do and is doing in my own life. I am ready for the next course. Thank you for putting this together Dr Crabb from all your years of gleaning in this world of the soul.


Harvey (Dale) Baggett

Grace College Tracks

It’s a great tool for self-exploration and reflecting on God’s hand in one’s life. [SF212 Course]


James Bozman

Certificate in Bible

I liked that the courses covered the themes of the books covered. This allows me to better understand what I am reading.


Joana Opoku

Certificate in Bible

I am so grateful to God for what am learning and what am gaining spiritual and physically am growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank you all for this course, I will surely will tell friends about it.

This lesson is not only helping me gain knowledge in the word but is also drawing me closer to God ,This will make me share my faith with others without fear because of the knowledge I have now. Thank you always.


Julia Lang

Certificate in Bible

I thought the lectures were well done and very interesting. Most of the discussion questions were thought provoking and relevant to the main ideas of the course. I really appreciated the additional readings from “Adventuring through the Bible” by Stedman.

As a Christian educator and administrator, having a well developed knowledge of the Bible is very beneficial. Initially I took these courses to gain CEUs for professional development. However, I quickly discovered that these courses were very interesting and of good quality! I recommend that every Christian take these [survey of OT & NT] classes!

The courses are interesting and beneficial. It’s hard work and quality education. It’s very affordable.


Kiritharan Hallock

Diploma in Biblical Studies

These courses are comprehensive and economical and ideal for those who are pressed for time.


Janice Merriman

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The knowledge that I gained of the early beginnings of the church, the conditions and circumstances in which the disciples lived. The archaeological lessons were intriguing!
I don’t know that I would change anything, I have gained so much more than I expected I would and I feel so much more knowledgeable about Jesus and the Bible in general. In fact, I am seeking to obtain a volunteer position with an online ministry as an e-counselor or to respond to emails with questions about the Bible.

The learning experience has been wonderful. The staff that I have had the pleasure to interact with have been supportive, professional and friendly.


Louise Garand

Diploma in Biblical Studies

It is a very interesting course [OT Survey] that you can take at home at your own leisure. There is a lot of background information that you don’t always get when reading your bible. It gives you an idea of what is going on and who are involved at a specific time and place.

The customer service was very good. The response time was quick and very helpful.


Amanda Rowe

Association of Christian Schools International

The unbiased-ness of the lectures presented. I enjoyed not being swayed one way or another when it came to various opinions about different passages but was instead presented with the truth and given the opportunity to form my own thoughts on it.


Megan Jones

Certificate in Bible

I loved the different readings and the course lectures. They gave background to the books and helped me to understand the context of many books of the OT that I have never fully understood.

The courses are easily accessible, there is no need to scan and email and all of that. The content is relevant, and the price is very reasonable as well.

It’s a really nice way to receive an overview of the bible, but in a manner that fits into the demanding schedule of being a missionary/teacher.
the only other course I have taken is the OT survey, and both courses have been FANTASTIC!


Lisa Laqua

Association of Christian Schools International

CUGN is a valuable tool for Christian educators. It provides us with a tool that works in our busy lives but still gives us the nourishment from the word we need to lead our students daily.


Linda Pike

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I would recommend CUGN without reservation to anyone interested in pursuing their education; however, I just don’t know too many people who fall into that category.


Stephanie Grey

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

This was a great course and I hope to apply the Soul Care principles in my personal and professional life. I will encourage ore believers to do this course, so we all can effectively minister to the lost world and prepare for Christ’s Second Coming.


Joann Nelson

Cornerstone University Tracks

Anyone interested in ministry would benefit highly from this course. (NT Survey)


Maxwell Grant

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

This course overall is great,. and have allow me to seek God or draw close to him.

I fine this course [CC103] has drew me closer to God, but not only that, it let me look at myself. differently, that i cannot do nothing without God and that my total dependence . is on him. .i find myself, seeing people in a different ,light, i see them as broken image bearer of God. something i never seen before.

I would recommend a friend to CUGN.1 Because it is the only college i know off, that offer the course on soul care..which has change my life,an allow me to see human beings form a different point of view,. it opens the door so i will be able to be that friend,minister, that God calls me to be. and i would love to see those who are call back God,becomes that spiritual friends.


Sandra McGovern

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

I was very excited to find that I was learning on the one hand but that I was receiving personal revelation in my own life. I have been sharing this with friends and how I feel a sense of my own inner heart being touched. Praise God for placing all of this in my life.

This course was extremely well done and had me seeing things myself that I had questions on. I believe I not only learned insight but received a very large blessing in the process.

I am very pleased with this course and what I have learned and what I am applying. I have been challenged with some of the questions but have learned to appreciate how I take in what I am reading, and not rushing. Thank you for a very wonderful course. [CC103]

I liked the way it challenged my thinking and to seek God with a new passion and commitment. I found that God was able to use this course in many ways to address my own flesh dynamics and to find many answers to my own hurts. I liked the way it was taught, I find watching a video and then also being able to print off the lesson to study further very helpful in learning and taking the information in. To me though I think learning about the journey and the realities of God within us touched me the deepest.

I enjoyed the course tremendously thought it was put together extremely well. I found any problems or questions I had were always answered very quickly and the staff have been so helpful to me. I felt very encouraged from day one.


Gregory Crim

NewWay Ministries Tracks

Because it’s so relevant to where I am in life and the content was excellent.

Ease of use, very user friendly.


Joy Jewett

Cornerstone University Tracks

I loved it.

It helped me learn a lot about Gods’ word.


Tonya Lichti

Cornerstone University Tracks

I loved Stedman’s commentary. It really felt like it pulled everything together.

Why are you likely to recommend CUGN to others? Because of the amount of application that I was able to bring into my own faith walk.


Jason Eckert

Cornerstone University Tracks

Great content. Enjoyed Dr. Stuarts knowledge of each book.

Great information in the course.


Juanita Martinez-Ellis

Cornerstone University Tracks

A great learning experience.


Donna Kelly

Cornerstone University Tracks

Why are you likely to recommend CUGN to others? Because of how much I enjoyed learning about the New Testament.


Rebecca Reser

Cornerstone University Tracks

They were easy to navigate through, I learned quite a bit of information.


Enock Saint-Juste

Certificate in Bible

After the journey studying the OT I will definitely recommend CUGN to anyone interested in study the word of God. The course are very well presented. very professional and my level of learning expectation was well satisfied.

They are great !!! From Registration until now, the service is excellent. 


Julie Stanford-Bennett

Certificate in Bible

The lectures materials are very understandable and an immense amount of knowledge is gained.


Carla Moore

Cornerstone University Tracks

The deeper understanding of time in which these Biblical events took place. If you read the Bible straight through, you don’t get that unless you are really digging and this course helps un-earth that for you.

I feel that the content was good and the points that were brought out were points most do not get out of Sunday school.

It was convenient and will enhance your spiritual growth as you move forward in gaining an education.


Perry Griffith

Cornerstone University Tracks

It gave me a very detailed and profound background of the bible I read every day. Some things are clear but some things aren’t quite as clear but this course allowed me to piece some things together for better clarity and understanding going forward.

I believe that this a great way to take classes whether its towards a traditional degree or seminary degree.


Evan Kosters

Cornerstone University Tracks

It is can be done on your own time. The content is excellent and the tools were extremely helpful. Anyone with a lot or little understanding of the bible could succeed in this class.

I work for a church in the student ministry department. Being engaged with the word while doing ministry was extremely helpful. I felt much more connected to God and those I was ministering to while taking this course.


Zachary Fischer

Single Course(s)

The information is great. The courses are easy to navigate through. It will teach you things you didn’t know about Scripture.


Thomas Lockwood

Cornerstone University Tracks

It prepares the student on how to tie the OT to the NT.


Jason Kanz

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I just wanted to thank you for “making” me do go back through. This has been a very rewarding review of the materials. I also wanted to comment how thrilled I am with your organization so far. One often wonders about the quality of online training, but I have found this to be challenging and encouraging. When coupled with your warmth and responsiveness, I am really benefiting from CUGN.


Rhonda Hacker

Cornerstone University Tracks

I very much enjoyed most of the learning experience from CUGN.

I very much liked the lectures and Ray Stedman’s contributions. CUGN is very professional, organized, and valuable.


Elizabeth Braden

Certificate in Bible

I would recommend CUGN because your lessons are very Biblically based and true and accurate. The lessons are well written and Dr, Blomberg’s lectures are extremely interesting and very informative!

I enjoyed Dr. Blomberg’s lectures. They were excellent!

There was a lot of historical information that helped me to understand the Bible and the history of the Bible. There was also a lot of practical information about how to apply God’s Word to my life! Thanks for this information aspect these lessons!

Alexander Samuel

Certificate in Bible

The teaching and particularly style of reading done by Dr. Douglas Stuart, was excellent. I did not have any difficulty understanding the course. He explained it slowly, calmly and most effectively. I am much thankful to him. My special thanks to him.

Very precise and very good teaching of the subjects. The format of teaching is excellent.

I thought I knew Bible well, but going through the teachings of CUGN, I realized that I did not know Bible. The CUGN course opened my eyes, my knowledge of the Bible and hence my spiritual life.


Nichoal Kirkendall

Cornerstone University Tracks

I enjoyed how easy they were to follow along with and how in depth they went into the study of the bible, it was very helpful to someone as new to the bible as myself.

I am likely to because it was easy to follow, fun, and a great introduction or refresher on the bible.


Amelia Start

Cornerstone University Tracks

The customer service team is very efficient.


Normand Rodrigue

Certificate in Bible

I also liked the videos and the ability to download the transcripts to be able to take with you so could study wherever you were.


Rob Strating

Cornerstone University Tracks

WONDERFUL interactive maps.


Sunghui Yoo-Lee

Certificate in Bible

I understand the whole story of OT better and gained many historical background of Israel. It was a great experience and it was a great investment to spend my summer vacation.


Renae Labine

Cornerstone University Tracks

I now have a greater understanding for God’s word in taking this course in the Old Testament.

Very helpful and pleasant team.


Thuan-Ing Yong

Grace College Tracks

Contents presented very clearly and easy to follow.

It is very helpful or even necessary for all Christians to have a comprehensive and accurate view and understanding of the Scriptures.


Theresa Medina

Cornerstone University Tracks

I very much enjoyed the course. I was easy to do. The academic advisors and registrars were very helpful. It was affordable and at your own pace.


Robin Herrod

Association of Christian Schools Institutaion

I liked the simplicity of the website. It was very easy to navigate and all resources were there.

I learned a lot. The courses were not too overwhelming and were very manageable, even with my work schedule.

I thought the courses were very easy to use.


Paula Wiese

Cornerstone University Tracks

That I could study in the comfort of my own home and at my own pace. I very much enjoyed learning more about the Old Testament and how relevant much of it is today.

The convenience of being able to study, listen to lectures, and take quizzes in the comfort of my home and at a time that works best for my schedule.

I very much enjoyed the lectures and learned a great deal.

Michelle Cobb

Diploma in Biblical Studies

It is very user friendly. I rarely had any technical issues, and when I did it was like in the middle of the night. I enjoyed the course material and felt it was very Bible-centered without leaning towards a specific denominations beliefs. The prices are also VERY reasonable.


Christa Martinez

Cornerstone University Tracks

The courses helped me to understand the bigger picture of what was happening in the old testament. I’m embarrassed to admit how much I hadn’t pieced together on my own. I now have a much better understanding, which will help as I study more in depth.

Even though I have grown up in the church, I discovered many things I didn’t know while journeying through the Old Testament. Knowing our Bible is so important in order to understand what we believe. I have already encouraged some friends to check out the courses.

I grew up in the church, and I still learned a massive amount of applicable information while taking these courses.


Dennis Huver

Cornerstone University Tracks

It flowed seamlessly from book to book of the New testament. The video lectures were very helpful. I printed the pdf files before hand and then I would follow along with the video lectures, making notes as I went along.

I leaned a great deal about the New Testament through this course at a pace that fit my schedule.


Khushboo Mehra

Certificate in Bible

Its a great way to increase one’s understanding of the Bible. Particularly the ‘Further Study’ sections were very helpful. They added an insight to applying what I studied in everyday life.


Elizabeth Laisure

Cornerstone University Tracks

Very educational, well worth the cost of the classes.


Douglas Smith

Cornerstone University Tracks

I feel like the course challenged me, and at the same time motivated me to go deeper. I feel like that’s important for an online class since there is no classroom interaction along the way.


Karen Strait

Cornerstone University Tracks

I am very impressed with the class I took. I did it at my pace and learned a lot from it.


James Bryan

Cornerstone University Tracks

This is an outstanding program that gives a great perspective on Christian learning.


Nannette Kelly

Cornerstone University Tracks

I really enjoyed taking this course. I love the material, and feel that it is taught in a way that anyone could learn it, and benefit from it. It is truly a blessing that we have access to a class that can truly change ones life, and the lives of others.

Some of the material moved me to tears because the beauty of God’s love illuminated from the text, and it touched my heart deeply. Although I believe that some of Ray Stedman’s writings were to long for the course, some of them were awesome. At times the things he said hit me right in the gut, and I felt as if he were speaking about me. I had to laugh at times. I think that I will be be purchasing his book!

This is a great course, its alot of work, but I loved it!

I learned so much, and I am excited to use what I have learned to teach my children, and anyone who desires to know more about the Lord. Thank you for helping me to complete my degree program.


Carl Commons

Cornerstone University Tracks

I like the way the course was laid out, it flowed well and it was easy to understand and comprehend.

Good learning experience.


Heather Greenhoe

Cornerstone University Tracks

I can work it around my schedule.


Gail Vandenberg

Cornerstone University Tracks

The insight and details provided regarding the subject matter are interesting. The self study program is designed in a manageable style that can fit to pretty much anyone’s pace.


Amanda Crandall

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked the fact that all the lessons were the same format so there was no guessing on what was expected.


James Stokes

Cornerstone University Tracks

I have taken OT Biblical Theology, Biblical Hermeneutics,and OT Biblical survey. This course was a great refresher for me.

Because the courses are easy to understand and the site is easy to navigate.

It is a good program with valuable information at a fraction of the cost of other universities.


Philip Bierling

Cornerstone University Tracks

Dr. Stuarts videos were done very well and at a pace that made it easy to follow.

The course was self paced, allowing you to go back and review items and take the quizzes at your own time made this better than previous courses. I think the Dr. Stuart videos were really good at getting the plot, setting, and themes of the books clearly portrayed.


Ronald Douglas

Cornerstone University Tracks

They were very informative and I learned a great deal.


Brian Fabijancic

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked that I learned alot. I didn’t know much about the New Testament before I started.

It was very helpful on my spiritual journey, and it also is a easier way to get college credit than having to go a classroom.


Timothy Schultz

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked the historical knowledge and perspective. This format explores areas frequently forgotten, today.

This is a very good way to get a better deeper understanding of the Bible. This is also a great way to satisfy credit requirements.


Brenda Wade

Certificate in Bible

I particularly enjoyed the video presentations. I found these very helpful. I also really appreciated the Ray Stedman Adventuring through the Bible chapters, as these brought a greater understanding to the scriptural content of each OT book.

There was a regular format to each course that helped me to organize my study time. The content was good in each course, and provided a sound explanation of key items in each course.

I found the course met my educational needs in a timeframe that I determined and could complete at my own pace.

It is an excellent means to gain additional understanding of the books of the Bible.


Brian Greene

Cornerstone University Tracks

The ability to study at my own pace. The amount of extra material that was not part of the course was fantastic.

I consider myself to be a mature and knowledgable Christian, and I found the information available to be top rate.


Jennifer Pence

Cornerstone University Tracks

I enjoyed the format. Once I completed one course and even at the beginning it was easy to navigate and move around. I like the check marks to keep track of where I am in each lesson for when I chose to jump around.


Jerry Lau

Certificate in Bible

Since it is not very time consuming, CUGN are teaching Christians according to God’s Word. The timing for the course is flexible. We can also get access to Journals if we are interested.

It offers a good courses with reasonable prices and, most importantly, the Word of God is being taught clearly.


Addie Puryear

Certificate in Bible

This class has been beneficial and I am certain it will be helpful to others.

David Pykare

Certificate in Bible

I have been searching for a sound yet affordable way to deepen my understanding of theology and continue study in doctrine and I am truly thankful to find Christian University GlobalNet.


William Johnson

Certificate in Bible

This course series has provided a lot of information that I have never heard before and provided answers to questions of how the interactions took place between God and the people of the Old Testament. In addition to the textual information, this course has enriched me spiritually in ways I know have brought me closer to understanding how God has guided me to where I am now.

There’s not a “story” but I have been very pleased with my studies at CUGN. My conversations with Tom, Josh and Emily have shown me the dedicated people that are overseeing the study program. As one who has been “out of school” for 45 years I really did not know what to expect with on-line classes, I have found them to be challenging but very rewarding. Each lesson has given new views and a fresh understanding of the Word of God. I believe that I have learned many things that will allow me to reach out to others with the story of Jesus Christ. These studies have been a wonderful time of devotion and meditation as I have been able to know more of God’s direction for my life. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to find CUGN.

The time I have spent with these studies has been the best investment of time possible. I am not finished with my studies at CUGN as I plan to continue on for the Certificate in Bible.

Keep up the good work. Thank you for all of your help.


Gerald Grimminck

Cornerstone University Tracks

I started PGS class at Cornerstone and finished the core classes a couple years ago. They suggested I should take CLEP test to complete my credits. It was hard to get motivated to take those even as the years passed away. Cornerstone informed me they accepted these courses from CUGN. I took these classes for the credits but it turns out these are the most useful classes I’ve taken.

I think everyone should go thru these surveys just so they can understand the Bible and how to study it. I also enjoyed Ray Steadman’s Adventuring through the Bible.


Rainelle Jansma

Cornerstone University Tracks

I thoroughly enjoyed these courses. I liked the archaeological background as well as the historical background. It made the whole New Testament so much more real for me.

Why are you likely to recommend CUGN to others? I thought it would be a breeze as I am middle-aged, and have read the Bible all my life. But I learned a lot, it was thought provoking, and was the topic of many discussions at home and at work. I have never enjoyed a Bible study more.


Stephanie Collins

Cornerstone University Tracks

Because it made the Bible make sense.


Keith Gopie

Diploma in Biblical Studies

It gives a wonderful insight on the history of the bible and it gives a better understanding when you read it.

I thought I had a good knowledge of the scriptures but this course has given me a different dimension of understanding and I am even more enlightened concerning the Holy Bible. [New Testament Survey].

continue the good work and continue to excel and maintain your very high standards of education to those who seek a better knowledge of the scriptures.


Shannon Bernard

Certificate in Bible

I teach at a Christian School, and even though I don’t teach Bible, I think it’s important that all teachers know the Bible so they can integrate it into their curriculum. I plan to mention the courses to the other teachers.

I would recommend the CUGN because the courses are thorough and useful for new Christians just learning the Bible or mature Christians who want a refresher course.


Joyce Gilbert

Cornerstone University Tracks

The gratefulness to the team of CUGN and the valuable staff willing to assist me in my time of need. Thanks to this course I now can receive my BS in management from Cornerstone University.

Thanks to the IT team helping me to connect and stay connected to complete my course. Also the admission for returning my calls and clearing up my questions and concerns.

The price is reasonable, the time to complete the course is workable for working adults.I really enjoyed the reading material and quizzes.

The information given in each course, very helpful, giving me a better way of reading the bible,. I love how the instructor read each book and gave a clear picture of what to expect from each quiz.

I love the communication with all their online students. It was great reading their responses and answer to each question. i learned a whole new way of reading this material. I really have used some of the tools to better understand the material I have read. I seem to have a better way of communicating any topic now in the OT. God Bless your team.. May each person leave this course a lot brighter and well equipped to teach the gospel. Amen.

Debra Wood

Cornerstone University Tracks

I still needed more credits to complete my degree at Cornerstone University. My councilor told me about CUGN. She decided to take them so she could be more accurate when advising students about them. While she assured me that they are not “gimme” credits, they are a wonderful way to learn about the Bible. She was right, they are not “gimme” credits, but what I have learned about Jesus was beyond valuable! I did not do the Old Testament yet and wasn’t sure If I would, but after completing the New Testament and gained all of that knowledge, I look forward to starting the Old Testament lessons for credits towards my degree.


Paul Leuck

Diploma in Biblical Studies

Best courses I’ve taken.


ViviaMay Pitter

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I like the course discussion the most. I feel the preparation involved in responding to the questions given gave me an opportunity to interact with the course material on a deeper level. This interaction added to my overall development and learning. 

I gave a 10 because I compared it to other online courses I have done. I liked the format of this course because it allowed you to set your own pace yet it had enough boundaries to make it professional and accountable. 

The cost of the course and the ability to paid in increments of $40.00. PERFECT

I found the course packed with information and affordable.


Steven Prince

Certificate in Bible

The multi dimensional way of learning. The lecture, which was supplemented with Philip Yancey, and the Stedman book, helped to give a complete learning experience ,and the course discussion section. helped me to think about the how the lessons were relevant to today.

Excellent program. also appreciated the helpfulness of the staff at CUGN when I contacted them. The technical people, the registrar and others were easy to contact and quick to respond.

Very user friendly and educational to people who want to learn about the Bible in a format which can be done at one’s own schedule.


Stanford Smith

Certificate in Bible

Because of the excellent curriculum, and based on what I have learned in the courses taken and how it has reinforced my understanding of the Word of God why we are to be obedient to it.


Sherin Austin

Certificate in Bible

Because I learned a lot, the teaching was biblically sound, and I feel better equipped as a believer because of what I learned.

The biblical truths that are presented in a variety of ways.

These courses were excellent – I was required to read God’s Word, the video lectures were insightful, the commentaries were applicable, I enjoyed the interactive activities, and I enjoyed reading the comments from other students in the discussion portion. I have been highly recommending these courses to others.


Sally Sturgis

Cornerstone University Tracks

I felt I learned a lot of info from them and could do them at a pace suitable to my schedule.


Rachel Hannon

Diploma in Biblical Studies

Although I have read and studied the OT books many times, these lessons added another dimension to my understanding of the OT.


Patricia Blake

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I learned a lot more than expected. 


Norman Benton

Certificate in Bible

I could work them (courses) into my schedule.


Nicole Smith

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked how each lecture briefed us on the books of the bible. I liked how it was broken down and easily applicable.

I learned a lot through the lectures. I think it was a lot of good material that was given accurately and in a good amount of time. The supplemental information was very interesting as well.


Nancy Sabato

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I want to continue the studies they are great, best online courses I have ever taken, love the lectures video’s they are informative.


Malinda Kortman

Cornerstone University Tracks

Good learning course to learn the bible. I do not attend church services as often as I used to, to this helped me understand the old testament better.

The videos were interesting. I learned a lot by watching and listening the the lectures.


Louis Galgano

Certificate in Bible

You offer a great course at a really low price.


Kimberly Evans

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked the stories; this helped me to apply the lessons to current life situations.


Kim Klotz

Cornerstone University Tracks

It was fun to learn more about something this important. It is an eye opener, all the things that had to happen and people that lived to bring us where we are today.

To anyone wanting more insight in to the Bible and christianity it was a very useful and informative course.


Kenneth Poll

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked the refreshment of studying the Bible. I found that this type of Bible study focused my attention on an overview of the entire New Testament rather than the parsing out of passages that you get from a sermon or a group Bible study.

I also liked the variety of teaching mediums, such as lecture and interactive response and readings. The link from the Bible reading assignment to the Biblegateway.com was great.


Joseph Bush

Cornerstone University Tracks

Great information and insight on how to live better.

Will be a great education.


Janet Miller

Cornerstone University Tracks

It is really a God thing – but it is amazing how God brings encouragement and instruction just when I needed to hear it. Listening to the lectures really helped to understand the passages. Sometimes when I just read the Bible on my own, I skim over passages and never truly grasp what is being said. I feel I have so many more tools to truly dig in and study God’s word. I took this class mainly to obtain my elective credits for school, but I was blessed far more than the credits I earned.

I loved studying the books of the OT. I re-learned many of the stories I have heard all my life, but had forgotten many details. I made copies of the lectures and plan to put them in a three ring binder so when I am completely through, I can go back, and take my time studying the Bible all over again.


Heidi Campbell

Cornerstone University Tracks

Dr. Stuart was easy to listen to and learn from, I cannot describe how much I took away from his lessons. They were needed along with the readings to put it all into the proper perspective.


Gladys Woodard

Cornerstone University Tracks

The knowledge that I gained on a personal level is very powerful to me.


Fay Grice

Cornerstone University Tracks

I have learned so much about the bible, I have been able to put a lot of things together.


Eva Chiu

Certificate in Bible

The various medium used for teaching / learning – from video, audio, interactive and other like discussion and research. Some of the discussion questions were very good as they make you think more and really digest what you have just learned.

Discussion questions often asks more than just something from the lesson, but require real thought into the materials and reflect upon the Bible.


Dan Roush

Cornerstone University Tracks

I felt that these courses were perfect for a new Christian like myself.


Dale Barry

Cornerstone University Tracks

Very professionally done and I would encourage all Cornerstone University students who need to earn college credits to enroll.

I learned so much about the bible from the courses than all the 29 years i’ve gone to church.

I would recommend CUGN because of the: Ease of the course, Earn college credits, Knowledge of the bible as well as, Explaining the stories in the bible. Also, I truly enjoyed the pace and clarity of which Dr. Stuart ran the lecture.


Chrisann Zook

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The in-depth look at each book. I liked the further study section that allowed time for processing information.

It is great for continuing education as well as a Bible study.



Diploma in Biblical Studies

I think it was the immediate benefit of the course that I experienced as I went through the contemplative exercises and the significant relevance the spiritual disciplines that were advocated had on my spiritual life. 

I thought the course was excellent. 

Extremely interesting.


Ashley Morton

Cornerstone University Tracks

I like that it is self paced and that I can learn more in depth of what I have already learned. Was nice to see what I knew and needed to learn more about. Very easy to navigate.


Andrea Morvay

Certificate in Bible

I am thoroughly enjoying the online classes through CUGN. The classes are interesting, educational and scripturally solid. Each course has broadened my biblical knowledge, given spiritual insights and applications for living the Word. I really appreciate being able to take these courses on my time schedule! I also enjoy sharing lessons learned!

Every course I studied was always relevant to what I was experiencing in my life at the time! Imagine that!

I liked how God’s word was applied to our everyday life.

I enjoyed the study on Galatians and 1-2 Thessalonians. It was informative, interesting and, as always, enhanced my walk with God.


Karen Neeb

Cornerstone University Tracks

It was informative and I learned some very interesting things about the OT that I probably would not have in any other course. there was great variety in the lessons.

Amanda Gomez

Certificate in Bible

It is very enlightening I earned a lot and got a different perspective than I would of had had I just read the Old Testament on my own it provides insight that help make everything click.


Marisol Rosser

Cornerstone University Tracks

They are self paced, so I can go as fast or slow as I want too.

Overall, I am satisfied with what I learned and how easy it was to navigate.

It’s self paced and very efficient.


Katherine Vanderzwet

Grace Bible College Tracks

They were very courteous and very patient.

I thoroughly enjoyed this course; beyond my hopes!


Shane Bronson

Cornerstone University Tracks

Course offers great learning experience along with the opportunity for degree completion.


Susan Hinojosa

Cornerstone University Tracks

I enjoyed the online lectures, Dr. Stewart was informative and moved at a pace you could keep up with and still learn something.

The ease of getting into the course and the flexibility of the course. Everyone I came in contact with was very nice and helpful.


Paul Hock

Diploma in Biblical Studies

CUGN will open your heart, open your mind and make you closer to God. You will slowly feel the joy.

Julie Forsyth

Cornerstone University Tracks

I love learning the History at the time. I can learn from reading the Bible on my own, but it is nice to have a teacher tell us the background and history of what was going on at the time. I also like how it goes through the books in order, like one big long story. Usually when we learn in church it is by cherry-picking verses. This was cool to have a summary and history of each book.

I learned a lot about the bible as a whole and about why and how it was written. I like to know the history at the time things happened and what order people came into play.

I’ve grown up in very good churches my whole life and I think going through the bible one book at a time, one story at a time, and one person at a time helped me to learn more about the old testament in this last year than I have in my lifetime.

Cherry Wightman

Cornerstone University Tracks

I grew up in what I would consider a rich Christian environment with parents living each day with Christ in their lives. As a teen, I went my own way but found my way back to the values that are so necessary for living a fulfilling life. Based on my background, I thought I knew the Bible – I found very quickly that my knowledge was superficial and barely afforded me with direction. I have learned so much about Biblical times and how the texts apply to my life on a daily basis!! I am filled with a new desire to read, understand and apply the concepts to my life in ways that I never was before.

I like the learn at your own pace offered by the online education.

I would (and have) recommend the class I am taking to others!!

Eric Monsma

Cornerstone University Tracks

While completing my undergraduate degree at Cornerstone University, I had an opportunity to study the Old Testament through a CUGN course. I found the coursework to be well laid out and very conducive to my learning style since I value variety to keep things interesting. I liked how the course really broke down the information and helped me focus on the stories and teachings in a way that helped me learn the material for course purposes, but also learn the true lessons for my own purposes as a Christian. I would recommend CUGN to anyone who needs course credit but who, more importantly, wants to grow in their faith and teachings by learning true lessons from the Bible.

Kate Kim

NewWay Ministries Tracks

These courses are very helpful not just for academic purposes but for personal growth for every Christian.

Thank you for your help. I have already begun my first course and am enjoying it! I am finding the whole process of registering n taking the classes at CUGN to be very easy and User friendly. Thank you!

This is a very powerful course that I am finding to be helpful in understanding my relationships right now!

Pat Evans

Certificate in Bible

What did you like the most about these courses? Finally I have an understanding of how the Old Testament was put together and what it means.

This course gives you a very good understanding of the Old Testament without overwhelming you. It gives you a fresh perspective on the Bible. It makes you want to pursue your faith more. It changes your heart towards God and His people.

The lessons are so well constructed and consistent. They make the learning fun and challenging. They provide a wealth of information and encourage you to explore further on your own.

I only want to say that, I used my summer vacation to do most of the OT course, and now while I am on sick leave to do the NT course, and it is the best thing I have ever sacrificed my time and effort for. I am so glad that courses are offered on-line – they are perfect for people who cannot get out, or have nothing better to do than watch television, or live where there is no such education available or affordable. It is such a great opportunity for anyone, anywhere in the world to learn the greatness of God.

Lisa Mitts

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I am a missionary so I like the fact I can make time to take the course and it still gives me time to do ministry. It is very relevant to ministry and where I desire to go in the future.

This course is right in line with other things I have read about spiritual formation. He teaches it is a very practical way that makes it is to apply to your own life as well as being able to do soulcare to others now.

I think this course is helpful personally as well as helps people help others when they hear someone share a problem.

This course really comes at a good time in my ministry as a missionary. My husband is getting his certificate in spiritual direction and I am in soul care. I think this will really help us as we lead others missionaries on the field. The deep insights in this course are invaluable. 

This course [CC102] was even more insightful than the first. This is really good and immediately applicable to my life and toward where I think God is leading me.

Jaimie Orozco

Association of Christian Schools International

Your institution offers great opportunities and customer relations. Thank you for assisting me to find the right solution for my certification needs.

I wanted to learn and I did. I hoped for something that did not cause great stress and this format required you to work and learn without great stress.

It was affordable, you really learn interesting aspects about the Old Testament to make the course of personal value and it helped to fulfill certification requirements.

Laurie Hughes

Cornerstone University Tracks

This course helped me to capitalize on the meaning behind each book and the message that God was try to get across.

The course is a great learning tool. It is hard for me to grasp that I earn college credit for doing something I should be doing anyway! The courses are informative, the self pace is very helpful, and there is something to be learned by everyone. The courses are a great way to earn credits in an affordable manner.

CUGN is a great way to gain more in depth knowledge of the books of the Bible. They flow well, and being able to work at your own pace is very helpful. CUGN is a great way to earn credits towards graduation.

Joshua Farr

Single course for transfer

The nature of the flexibility model was huge for me.

Jose Solaranzo

Certificate in Bible

Since then I have been seeking the Lord in prayer by studying my Bible, through fellowship, and by hearing the word of God during services and in studies. Recently I reached a point where I wanted to know more about the Lord, but I don’t have the time to attend a formal school or seminary, so I searched for options on the Internet and I found the website of Christian University GlobalNet.

I started the Certificate in Bible seven weeks ago, and my knowledge and understanding of God has entered into a new dimension. It has been like my eyes have seen life from a totally different perspective. I don’t have a doubt it’s God’s.

For me it’s one of the best because it really gave me a very good understanding of who wrote the O.T., why it was written and the purpose of its message. I can now easily relate it to the journey of every Christian, from being slaves in Egypt, to the Promised Land, exile and back to square one, where we’re found with nothing else but waiting for the Messiah.

I will recommend CUGN because the way the courses are structured makes it easy to understand and to learn. It motivates you to keep on top of your studies, and it’s rewarding when you see what you have learned.


Joy Klassen

NewWay Ministries Tracks

I am so impressed with the support and follow up I have been given.

CUGN is a great place/great online way to study. I loved how my questions were answered so quickly and staff were so willing to make sure my learning experience was the best it could be. It was a great way to study!!

I am a mature student and I know that SoulCare is something others are currently interested in so I will gladly recommend if I heard of someone wanting to take spiritual direction.

Tanisha Mothershed

Certificate in Bible

I truly enjoyed the OT courses and the layout and structure of the online courses. I learned so much and it deepened my understanding of God’s word in so many ways.

Great Bible Study resource! I love the OT courses and all that I learned. Now I look forward to the NT courses!!!!!!

I truly enjoyed the courses – they truly helped me to understand the Bible more. They taught me deep, rich truths about God’s Word.

Gary Powell

Certificate in Bible

The videos lectures by Dr. Stuart were very clear, concise, informative. I valued them very much.

It’s available anytime, anywhere. It’s clear and simple to use. It contains great information from qualified people that you won’t necessarily get just anywhere.

Kathleen Bloxsome

Grace Bible College Tracks

It is a great way to learn more about God and His word as well as super affordable. I am in ministry and going back to school so having an on-line affordable option is great!

Wai Fong Chan

Diploma in Biblical Studies

All courses are well presented in the level of a layman can understand. 

It is helpful for all believers to know the overall messages of all the Old Testament books. It also helps us to see the Big picture of God’s redemption plan starting from the beginning to future.

I would like to encourage the University Study group in our church to study some of these books. Is there any material that we can purchase from CUGN that we can use in our Bible Study?

When I was doing the Discussion Question assignment for course OT224 – Isaiah, it helped me to reflect once again what is the most important in our life. This is what I wrote: Surrender of our life Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”” What else can be more important than the job that God offers to us? If God clearing unfolds His commission to me, how can I turn it down? After all, this life is given by Him anyway. We are more than happy to be used by Him.

CUGN has a lot of great materials in helping a Christian life to grow. Is there any way that a small group can make use of these materials in their church fellowship?

I understand a lot more about the backgrounds of the New Testament world.

This is a very convenience learning setting especially for full-time working people.

The Bible materials are valuable and I have learned a lot through the courses.


Amanda Begg

Cornerstone University Tracks

The knowledge I am taking away from here. I gain more of an understanding of scripture and now I want to study the word further, it’s as though the Word is different but in a good way, it speaks to differently. I would say I have more understanding than what I had before taking these classes. I enjoyed the challenge, it was not intense but just right.

I’m leaving here feeling taller and stronger for the Lord. I believe the Lord used this course to opened my eyes to a deeper understanding.

My experience with CUGN has always been pleasant. The staff as well as the course material. I consider CUGN part of my personal bible study. I look forward to taking many more classes with them.

This course has helped me grow more securely in my walk with the Lord. I have a vision, and I am glad CUGN was able to help assist me in the process. I look forward in furthering future studies with you.

It’s conveniently on line. The staff have always helped me when I’ve had questions. Austin is very helpful and friendly, when having issues.

I love the personal connections at CUGN! Yes it’s educational and professionals, but it’s also personal!

Tommie Stephens Jr.

Certificate in Bible

CUGN was fuel to my fire. The courses have added structure to my study time and prayer. Through this ministry I have gained a new perspective on the Word and has opened my eyes to how deep are the unsearchable riches of Gods Word. I know I have just scratched the service. I know find myself studying even if I’m not logged in. Thank you CUGN!!


Wanda Janssen

Certificate in Bible

I finally was able to read each book of the OT. The further study materials were very helpful in my understanding the OT. I was very impressed and motivated by the materials used.

The Core 1 was very well put together from syllabus to final course wrap up.

Because the flow and courses were developed in a way to read each book of the OT and then the additional reference material added more highlights to each book. Awesome course.

Joseph Cook

Certificate in Bible

“My interest in furthering my Biblical education is so I can better minister to teens and children so they might have the opportunity to meet Jesus before I did, that they might experience real life sooner.”

Mark Schmidt

Cornerstone University Tracks

“I think this a very productive way to self learn God’s Word, and I think that I know much more than I did before I started.”

Preston Dorman

Certificate in Bible

You [CUGN] have been a lot of help! I love being a CUGN student!


Frank Fraley

Grace College Tracks

The study of the material helped to give me a peace of mind in dealing with some personal issues. It is a wonderful way of keeping in touch with God.


Terry Shearer

Master of Arts in Religion

It has been an an absolute privilege to be able to use modern technology and study the Word and grow much closer to God through CUGN, who are blessed to have access to many experienced Biblical scholars.”


Catherine Lee

Master of Arts in Religion

The enriching and maturing time on the CUGN online courses in the Certificate in Bible and Diploma in Biblical Studies for the past year has been a fulfillment of my desire to be like Ezra in Ezra 7:10 – “For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.”


Alyson Kieda

Master of Arts in Religion

My studies through CUGN have provided an opportunity for me to dig into God’s Word through the guidance of gifted professors.

CUGN has given me the valuable opportunity to learn more about God and His Word through excellent online courses.


Julie Richardson

Master of Arts in Religion

The phenomenal teachings at CUGN coupled with international perspectives from the co-hort group have given me a broad and global education that have transformed my life.

As an Assistant Producer I have a full schedule and travel on a regular basis. A higher education has always been a desire of mine, but something that was not a consideration due to time restrictions. When the opportunity came to be a part of CUGN I cautiously stepped into the program. Two and a half years later I am thrilled with the results! The convenience of the on-line courses fit into my life perfectly. The Bible knowledge I have gained is invaluable and has transformed my life.


Carolyn Rock

Master of Arts in Religion

The courses I have taken through CUGN have dramatically impacted my life, changing me spiritually and creatively through the project research assignments that have made ancient church history come alive for me.

Yaliang Zhao

Master of Arts in Religion

CUGN brought quality seminary training to my own home.


Dawn Downing

Cornerstone University Tracks

I have been blessed with the study of the OT. I was able to apply it not only for my own personal walk in the Lord, but also I was able to apply some of the principles to my regular classes at Cornerstone University. I have a different perspective of the OT. The Lord has been leading me to do something and this helped me understand more. Although I still do not know totally what my purpose is, this puts me back in the right direction. I praise the Lord on His guidance.

I liked everything on this course. It gave me much comfort and I had received a new look at the Old Testament. It was very interesting in how we need to look at the OT to understand the world today and perception was very exquisite.


Sandra Ritchey

Master of Arts in Religion

At this level, one gets a good overview of the entire New Testament. I have been studying God’s Word most of my life and am amazed at how much I’ve learned from this survey course. It is wonderful to be able to work at my own pace without pressure when life gets a little to hectic to maintain the schedule I would prefer. What a relief!

For this level of study, with the varying backgrounds of the students, I believe the exams strike a nice balance. I wouldn’t change anything.

For the lay person, this is a treasure mine. I definitely “talk-up” the program.

Your team is amazing! They are prompt and engaging. I don’t believe from my experience during my undergrad years at the University of Pittsburgh one will find such accommodating assistance in the secular arena.

I can’t thank you enough for the opportunity to take as many courses as possible for the flat rate of $120. I just wish our move hadn’t interfered with my time schedule. The online program itself was a prayer answered for me.

I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect, but I found the approach was like an appetizer, whetting the appetite to dig deeper.

Wendy Ewing

Certificate in Interpersonal Development

Because they were detailed in a thorough, balanced way. But I particularly liked the emphasis on how the course information is to be applied to our spiritual life and our relationship to Christ.

Vincent Chin

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I learned a lot more than expected.

Vashti Phillips

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The time spent working on these materials have been very valuable and helpful for me. It has provided me with a better understanding of the bible and how to contextualize its contents so as not to conjure up the incorrect interpretation and application.

Theresa Hamilton

Grace College Tracks

Great customer service. Whenever I had a question, I was able to email or talk to someone in person! I enjoyed reading short feature about other students.

Shirley Geick

Grace College Tracks

I learned a lot of new information that I can use in personal study and in leading my small group Bible study. I love studying and learning new information especially about our Lord and Savior. I really liked to be able to take my time in doing the lessons as I can spend a lot of time in one sitting or do a little at a time. I have wanted to take some Bible courses but lacked the money with my 2 kids in college and the expense of only one school near by that is very expensive (probably all colleges are expensive but my family and I are just getting by and I am also working 4 days a week). Thank you so much for this opportunity to spend more time in the Word.

Michael Neville

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I definitely would recommend.

Marlene Marchena

Cornerstone University Tracks

The courses make you examine your life, what are you doing as a Christian, and helps you spiritually.

I want to thank you for the support you have provided me throughout my studies at CUGN. Great job!!!

Mark Morris

Cornerstone University Tracks

I liked how they were structured and the really worked for fitting in to my life.

I just think the content was incredibly useful and it was presented in a way that I was able to understand.

It is easy to use and an amazing deal for college credits. Also, the content is great.

I liked how easy they were to access. I felt that they were really well done and applicable to my life and what I was hoping to get out of them.

Leanne Dartnell

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The thoroughness and depth. The background information and the charts helped so much to place people and events in proper perspective. Loved “Adventuring through the Bible”. 

June Ludy-Klink

Cornerstone University Tracks

It helped me to see the Old Testament from a different perspective than just a sermon or passage here and there. It shed new light on the history of my faith.

Julie McDermott

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I really enjoyed the video lectures and learned a lot. Also, love the Philip Yancey lessons.

Really learned a lot and feel like I understand the O.T. more as a whole and how it all fits together.

These classes over the last few months helped me get through a difficult period in my life. I recently lost my godly mother and father in law in a tragic car accident. Even during the difficult time of grieving, I always had these classes to look forward to participate in. They strengthened my faith and kept me in His Holy Word. They filled my time with good studying and focus and helped me as my joy and my family’s joy has been restored. Thank you!

John Ekundayo

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I am a Christian, I have been studying and preaching the Bible for sometime, but this course opened my understanding more and I now say, before I started this program, I did not know half of what I know now. 

It shows that the course Instructor/s and everyone associated with this program are Children of God (Christians) I love the photos, maps, and the video Teacher. May God continue to Bless all of you and this program.

I think this course will stand time and will benefit millions of Christians around the world. NO CHANGE.

Am already recommending this course to Christians starting with my wife.

I thank the management of RBC Ministry for this great University or I call it Bible College. My the Lord Bless all of you.

Jo Broughton


I think the class was very well laid out. The balance of exercises, reading and writing, was good. I was challenged and encouraged spiritually, and that was what I desired. The lectures were good. I would love to sit and discuss some of the lectures with Dr. Averbeck, because I think there is a depth to be plummeted that could not be fully expressed in a lecture. There was a paradigm shift for me as a result of this class that is transforming my relationship with and my worship of the Lord. I can’t express what a difference it is making. I hope I never recover! 🙂 I didn’t mention it to anyone in class, but this was good for me in another way, also. I have had some issues in my ability to process, and definitely in writing because of repercussions from an old head injury and an illness in recent years that affected my ability to process and put things on paper. My journaling almost altogether stopped. I had to withdraw from a Master’s program as a result. Last year I received some therapy that has helped regain some of what I lost, so it was good to take a class like this that was non-threatening (audit, no struggle over grade), where I could just see where I am. I would still love to get my Master’s in Bible (I have my Bachelor’s in Bible). Anyway, thanks for listening to that part. It’s just a thrill for me to be doing better than I was, and to be able to process the lectures. God is good!

Jemylon Gabat

Diploma in Biblical Studies

The courses exceeded my expectations.

Why are you likely to recommend CUGN to others? Because of the first reason I chose it: Christ-Centered.

I am just very glad and blessed to have enrolled at CUGN…

Exur De Mayo

Certificate in Bible

These courses were meaningful and accessible to me. I liked the balanced instructional approach which incorporated lectures, video, readings, interactive activities, discussions, and research activities. I also found the self-paced nature of the course to be very useful, and I also liked the pacing of Dr. Stuart’s lectures. In addition to the OT survey, I very much appreciated how hermeneutics, biblical archaeology, biblical history, and apologetics were incorporated. I really enjoyed many of the course discussion questions and life questions, since they were relevant and applied to real-life situations. I liked how Dr. Stuart organized instruction on the OT books via common themes, common timelines, etc., whenever applicable.

Balanced instructional approach. Incorporated Christian origins, textual criticism, biblical archaeology, apologetic topics. Lectures included historical context for each book. Lessons incorporated thematic instruction. Many life questions & course discussion questions were relevant & applied to real-life situations. Some quiz questions tested your understanding of meaningful concepts. Opportunity to get partial credit for missed quiz questions. Final exam consists of prior quiz questions. 


Debra McLaughlin

Certificate in Bible

I love these courses. The variety of exercises and presentation of the material is great. The level of depth is fine for an introduction to the Old Testament Books. I am especially finally beginning to understand the Prophecy books.

Davis Bruce

Certificate in Bible

I don’t know who designed this course, most likely a team of individuals, BUT—whoever designed this deserves a commendation 🙂 This is by far the best course I’ve ever taken, and I’ve finished three or four certificate programs already.

Cathy Degraw

Cornerstone University Tracks

A concise and well organized program of study. Ease of schedule and quick response by program administrators.

Darren Bezanson

Diploma in Biblical Studies

I enjoyed the teaching to give me a much deeper understanding of the Bible.

Improved my knowledge of the OT where I feel more inclined to share details of some of the history and how the Bible has been put together.

Thank you for being here and giving me the opportunity to further my understanding of God’s word!!

Tim Ziebarth

Grace College

Grace College is privileged to partner with Christian University Global Net (CUGN) in providing an efficient and seamless educational track to those learners seeking an accredited masters degree.  CUGN offers a dynamic, biblical based, quality curriculum that equips individuals to serve throughout the world in their environment.

Dale L. Lemke

Crown College

Through Crown College’s partnership with CUGN, I have been impressed by their desire to partner with like-minded institutions to help people study the Word of God and pursue their higher education goals so that they can make an impact for the Kingdom.  It is a privilege to partner with an organization who is committed to the same mission.

Zak Sorensen

Grace Bible College

It has been an honor to have an educational partnership with CUGN.  They have a shared passion to reach a diverse global community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  At CUGN students receive a high quality education and are well prepared for their next education steps to ultimately pursue their calling.

Ken Kemper

Grace Bible College

Grace Bible College is very excited to partner with a solid Christian organization like RBC Ministries and Christian University GlobalNet so that students anywhere studying through their courses can earn a degree for their efforts. Working together is how God intended the body of Christ to operate, and this partnership brings God glory.

Caroline Hackney

Certificate in Bible

The content of the course, along with the timing, are a potent combination that the Lord has engineered.

It is immensely encouraging to participate on the discussion forums and see how the Lord is working in the lives of others; this has definitely enriched my participation in the course.

Angela Pierre

Diploma in Biblical Studies

CUGN enabled me to search and explore the Word of God through Jesus Christ. That is, with supporting evidence from archaeological findings that support the canonical books of the Bible. It is a Blessed and Enlightening experience, especially total online and at ones own pace and with encouraging payment packages. This is Good.

Thank you very much from the heart for giving me the opportunity to share as since I started this course my life has changed through Jesus with the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, especially with meeting and chatting with the Christian University Staff. After my near death vehicular accident here is where the Lord is saying “come and drink of the water of everlasting life.”

Peter Deyneka


Your work in making theological education more available to people all over the world and your determination to provide the highest quality education have brought blessing and help to a great number of people over the years.

Kenneth O. Gangel


Through the convenient medium of independent study, thousands have been introduced to some of the best theologians, Bible scholars, and Christian leaders in the Western world. No institution could gather on its own campus the corporate quality faculty which appear in the CUGN program.

Darrell L. Bock


CUGN is a wonderfully accessible source for continued theological education for any serious and growing lay person. Its resources include some of the best professors in seminaries around the country, teaching on their areas of expertise in key topics. It is a virtual seminary experience and, as such, is highly recommended.

Richard E. Averbeck


Paying close attention to what God has said is one of the most profound and meaningful ways we have to show that we love Him. This is what the CUGN ministry is all about: helping us to hear and understand God’s Word. . .This is a glorious thing to be about.

John R. W. Stott


Distance learning is becoming ever more important, as it brings serious theological study within the reach of Christians who cannot attend classes. I am glad and grateful to be part of CUGN.

Linda Haveman

Cornerstone University Track

Cornerstone University’s Professional & Graduate Studies division has used CUGN certificate programs within its elective offerings since 2009. Because I heard such positive feedback from students, I decided to take the studies for my own spiritual and intellectual growth. I was not disappointed. I greatly enjoyed my time in the Old Testament Studies and soon plan to begin New Testament Survey. While I have Bible college and seminary degrees, I found the content both intellectually stimulating as well as life-changing. In fact, as my husband and I watched the lecture videos and read commentaries, our conversations about the Bible became richer. I highly recommend the courses.

Warren W. Wiersbe

Bible Scholar

Whether you are seeking a degree or simply wanting to develop your biblical knowledge and ministry skills, you must investigate CUGN. It has what you need, the program is flexible, and the instructors are among the very finest. But it isn’t just that the curriculum and the faculty excel; the courses take a “learning for living” approach that puts practical truth into your hands. I highly recommend the school!

Larry J. Crabb


Christian University GlobalNet is an outstanding way to learn at your own pace and schedule. It brings the best resources I have seen into homes, churches, and classrooms. I highly encourage you to visit the Web site and explore the many great courses that are now available.

Walter C. Kaiser


Christian University GlobalNet is a wonderful way to join the thousands around the globe who are deeply desirous of going deeper into the Scriptures and the teaching truths that our Lord has left us. Not only has it fortified the lives of believers to go on to new heights with their Lord, but it has also been the means by which new service for the Lord can be effected, for after one has experienced the joy of learning about their Lord and his word, the next thing you want to do is to share it with someone else. These courses are uniquely suited to do just that as they provide a new delivery means and rich content. Enjoy yourself and your walk with the Lord up to the hilt by choosing to study with these courses.

Alice Mathews

Academic Dean

I think most of us would agree that the Internet is certainly a mixed bag. There’s a lot on the Internet that we think is pretty bad. But one of the great gifts that the Internet has provided is Christian University GlobalNet. The opportunity to study the Scriptures, to come in on a course, or to stay with a long-term study of the Scriptures, all of that is available to you.

Haddon W. Robinson


I’ve spent my life in theological education as a president, as a professor. And one of the desires of my heart is that everybody can get a chance to study the Bible in whatever depth they want. And I’ve found a tool that does that. It’s called Christian University GlobalNet. I recommend it to you highly as an educator, as a Christian, and as somebody who wants you to go as deep as you can go in the Word of God.

Alicia Carrasco

Cornerstone University Track

The videos sections offered relevant content and different perspectives.

James VanderVeen

Cornerstone University Track

I loved the insight into the individual books of the bible.

It forced me to see more background to the bible than just a perusal or reading of scripture would have brought. My knowledge grew immensely.

I think there is a tremendous amount of information toA be learned here and it is self paced learning.


Eric Ra

Certificate in Bible

I learned so much about God and my perspective of Him.