
Pat Evans

Certificate in Bible

What did you like the most about these courses? Finally I have an understanding of how the Old Testament was put together and what it means.

This course gives you a very good understanding of the Old Testament without overwhelming you. It gives you a fresh perspective on the Bible. It makes you want to pursue your faith more. It changes your heart towards God and His people.

The lessons are so well constructed and consistent. They make the learning fun and challenging. They provide a wealth of information and encourage you to explore further on your own.

I only want to say that, I used my summer vacation to do most of the OT course, and now while I am on sick leave to do the NT course, and it is the best thing I have ever sacrificed my time and effort for. I am so glad that courses are offered on-line – they are perfect for people who cannot get out, or have nothing better to do than watch television, or live where there is no such education available or affordable. It is such a great opportunity for anyone, anywhere in the world to learn the greatness of God.