Associate of Applied Science – CCCA

Compass College of Cinematic Arts accepts transfer credits from CUGN into their accredited undergraduate-level degree programs. Compass College is a premier, conservatory-style college that attracts a talented and niche population of students due to the unique Film & Media Production program. Compass College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and offers part-time, full-time, and accelerated hands-on programs delivered through high-end training and specialized mentoring processes.

Downloadable Program Brochure (PDF Format): Associate of Applied Science

Core 1: Self-Study

Course Description

The Da Vinci Code has been on the New York Times Bestseller List since its release and is one of the most widely read books of our time. This novel, however, is more than a page-turning murder mystery. The Da Vinci Code is a conspiracy theory that leaves many readers wondering whether everything they have believed about Christ and the Bible is wrong. This study will strengthen your confidence in God’s Word as you find biblical answers to questions raised by The Da Vinci Code.


0.5 Credit

Course Duration

90 Days



Course Description

Group Dynamics is a  course for anyone who leads a ministry group of one kind or another. Groups are the heartbeat of any ministry. That is where the personal touch happens—where hearts are opened, needs are met, lives are changed. Without feeling connected, people may participate in our ministry groups, but will they be changed as a result? It isn’t what we learn in our groups that transforms lives; it’s doing something differently because of what we’ve learned. Join us in exploring 10 effective ways to guide ministry groups in “Group Dynamics.” We have to stop doing what comes naturally and start doing what works!



Course Duration

90 Days


Deb McCormick


Course Description

This course is designed to prepare you spiritually and emotionally as you begin your biblical and theological studies. You have a desire to know more about the Bible and to develop your relationship with God. Sometimes forward movement can occur most effectively after a backward look.


2 Credits

Course Duration

90 Days


John Worgul, Ph.D.


Course Description

Have you ever wondered what the world believes about spiritual issues? World Religions Basics: A Comparison of Major World Religions is a FastTrax course that will provide you with a vital, though simplified, overview of different religious faiths and practices around our diverse planet. Special attention will be given to the five major faiths: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, comparing their beliefs about creation, sacred scriptures, and salvation. Also included will be basic principles of relationship in interacting with other faiths.


Course Duration

90 Days




Course Description

Welcome to Worldview Basics: A Comparison of Major Worldviews. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have been born into another home, culture, or religious faith? Everyone is influenced by his or her culture. The perspective of life we adopt from our background and life experience is called our worldview. This course summarizes and compares seven major worldviews and shows how each one attempts to answer certain basic questions of life. By the completion of this course, you will examine what makes a biblical worldview unique.


Course Duration

90 Days




Core 2: Semester-Based

Course Description

This course will help to teach you the basic research and writing skills that are necessary for clear and accurate written communication.  The goal is to prepare you for research project requirements for courses at CUGN, but also in any academic endeavor you might pursue.  The course includes five lectures on topics including selecting a topic, conducting research, citing sources, ethics and legalities, and, finally, proofreading and publishing.  These topics, which are succinctly presented, will serve as an online resource for you to return to often in your academic pursuits.  The ultimate goal of this course is to equip you to deliver clear written communication, not just in your studies but throughout your life.


0 Credits

Course Duration

90 Days


Linda Triemstra-Cook


Course Description

How is spirituality formed both in private and in community? This course explores the meaning of biblical Christianity and its relation to faith and practice, giving special attention to spiritual formation through prayer, meditation, and personal disciplines. The lectures form a paradigm of spiritual growth and maturity that will affect both the individual and the church.


1 Credit

Course Duration

8 Weeks


Gordon T. Smith, Ph.D.


Core 3: Directed-Study

Course Description

Is God too weak to stop suffering? Does God not care about my situation? In a world full of sin, pain and hardship remain daily realities. Throughout history, humanity has wrestled with the problems of suffering and has often questioned the goodness of God. Wood retells the story of Job and the struggles he endured. Throughout the course, students examine Job’s tumultuous life and the various responses to his suffering given by his friends and family. Ultimately, Job learns to praise God no matter what his circumstance. Despite Satan’s attempts to thwart the plans of God, the Lord remains sovereign over all.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


Leon J. Wood, Ph.D.


Course Description

Understanding the Pentateuch is essential to understanding the Bible. In this course, learners study the contents of the Pentateuch and consider the particular problems of evolution and higher criticism in light of present-day archaeology. The course explores such events as the creation, the flood, and the exodus, and it highlights the lives of the patriarchs and Moses. Students will also examine the content, meaning, and applicability of the laws that formed the foundation of Israel’s theocracy.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


R. Laird Harris, Ph.D.


Course Description

Spiritual and ethical formation is a topic of discussion in many circles. We all long for intimacy with God, but how is spiritual growth and maturity developed? What are the dynamics in which God most often works in the heart of believers to make them like his Son, Jesus Christ? In this seminar, Richard Averbeck and James Grier address these and other questions in order to lay a biblical, theological foundation for proper Christian thought. In addition, they identify and describe specific practices that the listener can apply immediately to his/her life of faith.


2 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


Richard E. Averbeck, Ph.D. and James Grier, Th.D.


Course Description

In a self-centered culture, how do we demonstrate a God-centered ethic? This course presents a biblical model for ethics in a postmodern world, examining the ethical theories of obligation and value from a philosophical perspective. The lectures survey various ethical systems, identify unstated assumptions in ethical theories, and evaluate those theories for legitimacy, relevancy, and cogency. The goal of the course is to provide learners with a Christian framework of values and ethics, leading them to make God-honoring decisions in a truth-relative world.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


James M. Grier, Th.D.


Course Description

How do you view reality? What is the source of your knowledge? Do you live what you believe? Such are the questions that a worldview answers. This course examines the nature and function of belief structures, and the value of developing and living a distinctly Christian life. The course develops a Christian worldview from a redemptive history model of biblical theology, which is then clarified using the philosophical categories of metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology. Learners will gain an understanding of modern and postmodern thought and how to critique them biblically, and are encouraged to develop and apply a Christian worldview to life and ministry.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


James M. Grier, Th.D.


Course Description

Nothing demonstrates the pluralism of our world better than religion. Christians must be able to respond to the myriad of religious systems that permeate society. This course develops a biblical theology of religions by studying current models and approaches. Using major religious systems as examples, the lectures sketch five characteristics of all religions. Students will learn the major concepts in religious encounter, including the concept of elentics, various definitions of “religion,” and the five magnetic points of religions. The course culminates with practical suggestions for approaching world religions evangelistically.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


Harvie M. Conn, Litt.D.


Course Description

The nature and practices of Islam draw worldwide intrigue. What do Muslims believe? Why do they defend their beliefs as they do? How do we present the gospel to them? This course examines Islam from both a Christian and a Muslim perspective, covering the history and validity of the Koran, Muslim theology, the role of women, and the places of Christ, the Bible, and the Trinity within Islam. The goal of the course is to understand the Muslim mindset, and to learn how to share Christ from within that mindset.


3 Credits

Course Duration

6 Months


Patrick O. Cate, Ph.D.


Linda Triemstra Cook

Linda Triemstra Cook is the author and instructor of this course. She edits trade and academic books, with emphasis on reference works and commentaries, and has edited seven Gold Medallion winners. After starting her editing career at Baker Book House, she established her own company and currently owns Gold Leaf Editorial Services. In addition to her editing, Ms. Cook co-teaches the Writer’s Publishing Workshop held twice each year at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

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John Worgul, PhD

Dr. John Worgul received his B.A. from Bethel College, Minnesota in 1977, an M.A.R. in biblical studies from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1979, and his Ph.D from the Dropsie College in Hebrew Bible in 1987.  He has taught at Seminary of the East (now Bethel Seminary) since 1987 both full time and as adjunct.  In addition to biblical studies, Dr. Worgul has a deep interest in spiritual theology and formation.

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Our Daily Bread Christian University

Course developed by Our Daily Bread Christian University

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Deb McCormick

Deb McCormick is the Founder and Executive Director for TEAMedUP, actively consulting teams to think and work better. She received her B.A. in Speech Communication from Louisiana Tech University and a M.A. in Speech Communication Consultancy from Oklahoma State University. She also has extensive professional training from The Bergerac Company, Development Dimensions International (DDI), Emme and Associates, and the Stephen Covey Learning Center. Furthermore, she is a certified instructor through Learning International and Dr. Edward…

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Haddon W. Robinson, PhD

Dr. Haddon W. Robinson is the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching and the Senior Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He received a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a M.A. from Southern Methodist University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Over the years, Dr. Robinson has left a lasting imprint on the various schools and ministries he has served. Since 1991, Dr. Robinson has been a preaching…

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Patrick O. Cate, PhD

Education: Hartford Seminary, PhD Dallas Theological Seminary, ThM Wheaton College, BA Graduate work at the Near East School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Jordan Teaching Career: Taught at a number of institutions including Wheaton College, Dallas Theological Seminary, Columbia International University, Yan Fook Seminary in Hong Kong and in a number of Hispanic countries including Spain, Venezuela, Panama, and Paraguay Other Career Highlights: Ambassador at Large for Interlink Management Ministered with his wife for four…

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Harvie M. Conn, LittD

Education: Geneva College, LittD Westminster Theological Seminary, BD and ThM Calvin College, BA Teaching Career: Professor of Missions and Director of the Urban Missions Program, Westminster Theological Seminary (1972-1998) Taught New Testament at the General Assembly Theological Seminary in Seoul, Korea (1962-1972) While at Westminster, Dr. Conn focused on interdisciplinary teaching methods, believing that effective ministry work must connect and meet people where they are at in their lives Other Career Highlights: Greatest contribution was…

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Richard E. Averbeck, PhD

Education: Annenberg Research Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, PhD Grace Theological Seminary, MDiv and MA Calvary Bible College, BA Teaching Career: Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Dallas Theological Seminary (1990-1994) Chairman of the Old Testament Department, Grace Theological Seminary (1980-1990) Visiting lecturer at the Lutheran School of Theology in Copenhagen and Åarhus, Denmark Preached and taught in China, across Germany, and West Africa Expertise in Old Testament Law,…

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James M. Grier, ThD

Education: Grace Theological Seminary, ThD Westminster Theological Seminary, ThM Grace Theological Seminary, MDiv Baptist Bible College, BTh Teaching Career: Executive Vice President and Academic Dean, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary Distinguished Professor of Philosophical Theology, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary (1982-2012) Professor of Philosophy, Cedarville College, now Cedarville University (1969-1982) Adjunct Professor, Evangelical Baptist Seminary of Quebec (1984-2012) Adjunct Professor, Grace Theological Seminary (1978-2012) Acting Academic Dean, Grand Rapids Bible College, now Cornerstone University (1985-1986) Visiting or…

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R. Laird Harris, PhD

Education: Dropsie University, PhD Westminster Theological Seminary, BTh and ThM University of Pennsylvania, MA University of Delaware, BS Washington University, graduate work Teaching Career: Adjunct professor and founding faculty member of the Old Testament Department, Knox Theological Seminary (1989-1990) Professor and Department Chair of Old Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary (1956-1981) Academic Dean, Covenant Theological Seminary (1964-1971) Professor, Faith Theological Seminary (1937-1956) Instructor, Wheaton College Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, and the Near East School of…

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  • Registration as a student at CUGN and Compass College of Cinematic Arts

  • Complete up to 15 credits at CUGN

  • Complete remaining credits through Compass College of Cinematic Arts

This is an online program. In order to complete it, you must have internet access and basic computer skills.

To be admitted for the CUGN portion, simply submit:

To be admitted for the Compass College of Cinematic Arts portion, please visit
Credit Hours:     Earn up to 15 online credits from CUGN. Complete remaining credits through Compass College in Grand Rapids, MI.

  • CUGN 100-200 level courses: $40/course

  • CUGN 300-500 level courses: $200/credit

  • Compass College courses: $480/credit

Students interested in the Compass College Undergraduate Track can choose from the following courses.

Do you need assistance choosing a course? Contact the Admissions Office at
CUGN CoursesCompass College Credits GrantedCostCourse FormatSyllabi

Earn up to 3 credits from Group 1

Group 1 (choose one of the following):
WE103 - Basics of World Religions & Worldviews3$80Self-Study
WM504 - Missionary Encounter w/World Religions3$600Directed-StudySyllabus
WM509 - Encountering Islam: Understand/Sharing with Muslims3$600Directed-StudySyllabus

Earn up to 12 credits from the following groups (Groups 2 - 6)

Group 2 (choose one of the following):
WE503 - Christian Ethics2$600Directed-StudySyllabus
SF403 - Spiritual & Ethical Formation2$600Directed-StudySyllabus
Group 3 (choose one of the following):
WE504 - Christian Worldview2$600Directed-StudySyllabus
OT501 Pentateuch2$600Directed-StudySyllabus
Group 4 (choose one of the following):
OT315 - the Book of Job AND SF104 - Developing Your Spiritual Life OR SF212 Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life2$640 OR $760Directed-StudySyllabus
SF403 - Spiritual & Ethical Formation2$600Directed-StudySyllabus
SF508 Foundations of Spiritual Formation II2$200Semester-BasedSyllabus
Group 5:
ML111 Intro to Public Speaking & ML110 Group Dynamics3$80Self-Study
Group 6 (choose one of the following):
RW301 Guide to Research Writing1$200Self-StudySyllabus
CA209 The Da Vinci Code1$40Self-StudySyllabus
We are happy to help. Please contact us as follows:

Christian University GlobalNet
Address: 3000 Kraft Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Phone: (888) 487-5376 ext. 1

Compass College of Cinematic Arts
Address: 41 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone: (616) 988-1000