Faculty Listing
Ralph D. Winter, PhD
- Cornell University, PhD
- Columbia University, MA
- Princeton University, BD
- California Institute of Technology, BS
- Columbia Teachers College, TESOL certificate
Teaching Career:
- Chancellor, William Carey International University (1997-2009)
- President, William Carey International University (1990-1997)
- Professor, Fuller Seminary (1966-1976)
- Professor of Anthropology, Landivar University in Guatemala (1961-1966)
- Visiting professor in Guatemala at the Universidad Mariano Galvez, Colegio La Patria, the Instituto Biblico Mam, Seminario Evangelico Presbiteriano, and Interamerican School
- Visiting professor in the United States at Westmont College, Pasadena College, the Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma, and Nyack Missionary College
- Guest lecturer at hundreds of other institutions around the globe
Other Career Highlights:
- General Director, U.S. Center for World Mission (1976-1990)
- Director, Industrias Técnicas, a technical center for Guatemalan Indian pastors (1958-1966)
- Created the Theological Education by Extension (TEE), an innovative educational program that revolutionized education in the 20th century and became popular in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and India
- Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization (1974)
- Created the missions training course Perspectives used by Urbana and churches around the world
- Served on numerous educational, theological, and missionary boards across North, Central, and South America
- Missionary in Central America
- Editor, Mission Frontiers magazine
- Time magazine named him one of the 25 most influential Evangelical Christians in the United States
- Numerous articles and books, including Frontiers in Mission, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, andThe 25 Unbelievable Years