Faculty Listing

R. Laird Harris, PhD
- Dropsie University, PhD
- Westminster Theological Seminary, BTh and ThM
- University of Pennsylvania, MA
- University of Delaware, BS
- Washington University, graduate work
Teaching Career:
- Adjunct professor and founding faculty member of the Old Testament Department, Knox Theological Seminary (1989-1990)
- Professor and Department Chair of Old Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary (1956-1981)
- Academic Dean, Covenant Theological Seminary (1964-1971)
- Professor, Faith Theological Seminary (1937-1956)
- Instructor, Wheaton College Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania, and the Near East School of Archaeology and Bible in Jerusalem
- Visiting professor in many countries around the globe, including Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore
- Lecturer at several universities and seminaries in the United States
Other Career Highlights:
- Ordained in the Presbyterian Church of America
- Moderator of the 10th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (1982)
- Elected Chairman of the NIV Editorial Board, the Committee on Bible Translation that produced the New International Version (1970-1974)
- President of the Evangelical Theological Society (1961)
- Moderator of the Bible Presbyterian Synod (1956)
- Founding member of the Evangelical Theological Society (1949)
- Numerous books, including Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible,Introductory Hebrew Grammar, and Man—God’s Eternal Creation
- Consulting editor and contributor to the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible