Faculty Listing
Patrick O. Cate, PhD
- Hartford Seminary, PhD
- Dallas Theological Seminary, ThM
- Wheaton College, BA
- Graduate work at the Near East School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Jordan
Teaching Career:
- Taught at a number of institutions including Wheaton College, Dallas Theological Seminary, Columbia International University, Yan Fook Seminary in Hong Kong and in a number of Hispanic countries including Spain, Venezuela, Panama, and Paraguay
Other Career Highlights:
- Ambassador at Large for Interlink Management
- Ministered with his wife for four years in Iran and five in Egypt
- Planted Nepaug Congregational Church in Connecticut
- Traveled in over 70 countries and worked for 10 years with the Southwestern Company of Nashville
- PhD dissertation is Each Other’s Scripture: The Muslim Views of the Bible and the Christian Views of the Qur’an