Faculty Listing
J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., PhD, DD
- Houghton College, LLD (honorary degree)
- Dallas Theological Seminary, DD (honorary degree)
- New York University, PhD
- University of Chicago, MA
- McCormick Theological Seminary, BD
- University of Minnesota, AB
Teaching Career:
- Dean, Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis, MO) (1956-1970)
- President, Shelton College (New York City, NY) (1941-1955)
- President, Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) (1926-1940)
- Professor of Apologetics and Systematic Theology, Faith Seminary
- Professor of Theology and Philosophy, National Bible Institute of New York City (now Shelton College)
- Professor of Systematic Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary
Other Career Highlights:
- Served on the 1965 Fraternal Relations Committee that formed the Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Evangelical Synod
- In the 1930s, as churches shifted their doctrine, Drs. Buswell, Cornelius Van Til, Harold S. Laird, and Rev. C. J. Gresham Machen, among others, refused to comply and sought to curb the rise of liberalism. The result was the formation of a new Presbyterian denomination. Dr. Buswell would later be elected as the moderator of various General Synods on three separate occasions (1936, 1944, and 1956).
- Ordained as a Presbyterian minister, pastoring churches in Wisconsin and New York
- Military chaplain during World War I, winning both a Purple Heart and a Silver Star
- Served on various missions boards
- Contributed 32 articles to various encyclopedias
- Contributed 128 articles to various periodicals including The Christian Beacon and Sunday School Times
- Penned 11 books including Behold Him, What Is God?, Sin and Atonement, and A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion (which remains a key text used and referenced in seminary classes around the globe to this day)