All posts by agroot

What types of legal photo I.D. may I submit?

Examples are a driver’s license, identification card or passport.

May I begin courses prior to submitting my photo I.D.?

If you applied after June 1, 2013, to be accepted into an academic program and enroll into a course(s), you must submit a valid legal Driver’s License/Government I.D.. Upon submitting and fulfilling the admissions requirements for your program, the Admissions Office will send you welcome instructions.

May I fax my photo I.D.?

You may fax a copy to (616) 957-5741. Once you have sent the fax, please email our Admissions Office at

May I only send you my Driver’s License Number?

No, in order to be accepted into an academic program, you must submit the complete driver’s license.

Your site does not display properly. What should I do?

Our system has been optimized for Internet Explorer 6.0 and above. If you are experiencing difficulties, your browser could have the security settings set so high that it won’t allow the media assets to load. Or it may be blocking cookies that are a part of the Learning Management System. Please check the following settings.

Open up your Internet Explorer browser window and check the following:

  1. Go to Tools/Internet options/Security. Try setting it to Medium if it is not already set there.
  2. Go to Tools/Internet options/Privacy. Try setting your cookies to Medium.
  3. Now try logging in again directly from your IE browser window.

If it is still not working, make sure that you have Java enabled (Tools/Security/Custom level/Scripting/Active scripting/Enable).

We have experienced some screen formatting problems with certain Internet Explorer versions. If you have already upgraded to the latest IE version, and think your web browser might be at fault, we suggest you download and install a free copy of Mozilla Firefox from

Why does it say I do not have permission to print my Course Completion Certificate?

In keeping with requirements from various continuing education agencies and educational institutions, Christian University GlobalNet validates all certificate requests by checking certain aspects of a student’s activity within a course. A student who has successfully completed all course requirements must first be approved by the course facilitator before they are allowed to view and print a Course Completion Certificate. If you have completed the course, be sure you click the Validate Course Requirements link to request that your course participation be validated by the course facilitator. It normally takes less than 48 hours to validate your course. If, after 48 hours, you still receive a permissions error, we invite you to click again on the link or send us a message using the Contact Us Form.

Moodle logged me out while I was entering information into the “Edit” box of an assignment or forum, and I lost all of the information I was typing. Why did this happen?

Moodle will automatically log out a user who has been inactive for sixty minutes. The inactivity is determined by the server. The server does not recognize a student entering information into a Moodle “Edit” box as activity, and therefore, will log the student out if more than sixty minutes are spent in the “Edit” box.

The server will recognize selecting the “Save changes” button in an assignment or the “Post to forum” button in a forum. We recommend that students select the appropriate button periodically when typing in an “Edit” box of an assignment or forum to allow the server to recognize their activity. Students can then return and continue to enter information. Students can also type their work in a word processor first, and then copy and paste the information into an assignment or forum “Edit” box.

Why can’t I view the video?

Our system uses the Flash Player to deliver audio and video files. If you are not getting the audio/video, it may be caused by several problems: pop-up filters or firewalls (see Pop-up ad filters and firewalls below), a slow Internet connection, or improper installation of the Flash Player plug-in.

Pop-up ad filters and firewalls

Pop-up ad filter software: The videos, PDF files, and most other activities open a new browser window. If you are using a pop-up ad filter, this could prevent the windows needed to display the various assets from opening. Adjust your pop-up settings to “allow” all web pages at

Firewall: Either a software or hardware firewall could be keeping media elements from launching. This is particularly true of video, audio and Shockwave assets. It could be blocking a needed port or denying your computer from negotiating with the server over bandwidth/quality parameters. Contact your firewall provider and/or adjust your firewall settings to remedy the problem.

When I try to log in, why does my browser take me back over and over again to the login page?

Make sure your browser and firewall will allow session cookies. Your computer is probably set to block session cookies. Session cookies (very small text files that are saved on your computer, and disappear when you log out) are used to keep you logged in. If you don’t allow session cookies in your browser, or if you block communication with your firewall, you won’t stay logged in from page to page. Software firewalls such as ZoneAlarm may block your computer from sending the session info back to the server so it knows you’re logged in. For this reason, it continues to ask you to log in over and over.

What do I do if I click on the link for a course item or to take a quiz and and my web browser has blocked a pop-up window?

Moodle may display quizzes and/or course items in a pop-up window, so if you have a pop-up blocker turned on, the quiz window may not open. To turn off Firefox‘s pop-up blocker follow these steps:

  1. On the top of the webpage, Firefox will display a notification. Click the Options button on the upper right side.
  1. Select Allow pop-ups for this site.

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