Faculty Listing
Richard C. Gamble, ThD
- Universitat Basel, Switzerland, ThD
- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, MA
- Westminster College, BA
Teaching Career:
- Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
- Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary (1997-2005)
- Professor of Historical Theology and Director of the Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin Theological Seminary (1987-1997)
- Professor, Westminster Theological Seminary (1981-1987)
- Scholar in residence, Great Lakes Gulf Presbytery, RPCNA
- Guest lecturer in Church History at the Freie Evangelisch-Theologische Academis in Riechen, Switzerland (1977-1980)
Other Career Highlights:
- Ordained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
- Senior Pastor, Teaching Elder, Associate Pastor, and church planter for churches in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida
- President of Calvin Studies Society
- Member of the Editorial Board of The Peter Martyr Library
- Internationally recognized Calvin scholar; in July 2009 was a special lecturer for the Calvin500 celebration in Geneva, Switzerland
- Editor or author of more than 75 publications, including The Whole Counsel of God (his multi-volume systematic theology), Calvin’sOld Testament Commentaries, A Handbook for Calvin’s Institutes, and Calvin and the Church.