Faculty Listing
Lubbertus Oostendorp, ThD
- Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, ThD
- Princeton Theological Seminary, ThM
- Calvin Theological Seminary, MDiv
- Calvin College, AB
Teaching Career:
- Professor of Bible and Theology, Reformed Bible College, now Kuyper College (1964-1979)
- Visiting Professor, Reformed Theological College of Nigeria (1973)
- Instructor, Reformed Bible Institute (1943-1948)
- Lectured in Europe
Other Career Highlights:
- Pastor in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC)
- Pastor at seven different churches across Western Michigan—considered one of the finest preachers in the state of Michigan
- Chairman, Historical Committee of the CRC
- Church Order Revision Committee (1965)
- Secretary, Christian Reformed World Missions (1951)
- Contributor to various ministry efforts in the Netherlands during Hitler’s Nazi occupation
- Numerous articles for the Christian Reformed Church magazine Banner
- Various denominational guides, tracts, and training materials on wide topics from the Eastern Orthodox Church to the reality of faith
- Numerous books, including P. Scholte: Leader of the Succession of 1834 and Founder of Pellaand The Church on Earth: A Guidebook on the History of the Church